Monday, August 16, 2010

I'm Back...

 ... but have sooo much to catch everyone up with that I have no idea where to begin. The past three months have gone by so quickly! I promise to get you a check list of all the things coming up and one by one filling you in with what tiny and I have been up to. Until then, I will try to bring myself to getting organized!

Thursday, May 13, 2010


I found this little saying and thought it totally reflected how I feel right now
with all the big changes going on...I'm a little scared but SO excited!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Floral Patterns

Floral patterns are everywhere you look this season and everyone has their personal feeling of this fashion staple coming back but I happen to LOVE it! You don't have to totally cover your self in a floral pattern to get this season’s freshest look. Here are a couple of ways to add the girly look without looking like an outdated curtain. Accessories are great for the shrinking violets that are afraid to make the statement or commitment to get that look!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My Favorite Things

Here are some of my favorites things that I am looking forward to this summer. It is going to be a little hotter than what I have been use to lately but I think I can deal. I might have to have people drive up and down the streets in Bako to make sure I am not laying on the side of the road with and ice cream and bike..hahah!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

I wasn't able to be home for Mother's Day but I just wanted to wish my mom and
all the other moms in my family Happy Mother's day!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Cinco de Mayo

It is a very HAPPY holiday when you get to create and enjoy this! 
Hope everyone has a very festive Cinco de Mayo!

Thursday, April 29, 2010


We have BIG news! We are moving home...woohooo! 
We will be back in Bako before you know it, I can smell
that Bako sent as we speak. =)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Spring Fling Event

I have so much blogging to catch up on but have been so busy! Here is a little sneak peak of what I have been up too. My boss wanted to have some type of networking event and so this is what I delivered. I am totally pooped! The event turned out so well though and everyone had a blast. It was a lot of work for only a couple of hours but you know my saying...go big or go home! Enjoy the pictures!

Monday, April 26, 2010

My Dream Closet

I found these pictures of Ozzy Osbournes house after Christina Aguilera decorated it. It is a little over the top but I love the retro concept.  I do however have dreams of her closet...Aaawww, I would love filling it up and organizing it based on season. I read somewhere (so who knows if it's true) that she turned Jack's old bedroom into a hair salon and that the closet above is Kelly's old room! Can you just imagine?!

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Yesterday I spent the whole day running errands. I absolutely love the days that I get to wake up slow, go workout and run around with the hubby. I started out with a hike and then running to the fabric store for a couple of wedding orders I have. I could not complete the day without going to my favorite place, HomeGoods. I LOVE to go through everything and find deals, especially when they are so dang cute! I have a complete shopping system. Get the cart and if you like it or somewhat are thinking about it in the house, PUT IT IN THE CART! Too many times, I will go back through the aisles and items are gone. Then, towards the end of shopping, you go through everything, rank, and evaluate…then purchase. I always love to come home and immediately decorate with my fine and clean the house. Thank goodness, I have a patient husband! If you are into re-decorating a room, change your mind, and re-design every so often, I recommend going to HomeGoods! P.S. I got a lot done that day!