Thursday, December 10, 2009


I absolutely LOVE coming home! Even though it is always jammed packed, we love spending time with the family. I helped my mom decorate for Thanksgiving and Christmas this year which was really fun. Molly was here this year and not in Spain and we had more time to spend with Ian's side which was nice. We started out Eating at my side then went to Ian's dad side. I love hanging out with his cousins Neil's family. Neil and Jill have three girls who are absolutely precious and have one on the much fun. Then we left and went to Ian's mom side and played with Jordyn...that kid is crazy!

My brother's football team was in the second round of play-offs and so everyone got up early Saturday morning  and met at Starbucks. There were so many people traveling to watch the big game. Below are some pictures I took of everyone following each other up the Grapevine. I also took picture of the snow on the mountains, it was beautiful!


B.C. ended up losing that day but the had a great season...can't wait for next year! It was also nice because Karen and Joel also went with us and they are always fun to have on a little road trip! After the game, Ian and I headed home...I cried because that is what I always do and we went straight to the tree lot to get our Christmas tree...we are getting ready for Christmas!

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