I don’t know if there is something in the water but everyone I know is expecting! Not only are my cousins going to add three new cousins, in true Franklin fashion they keeping up with our yearly quota, but all the girls I work with as well! I have three colleagues that are expecting, and two girlfriends. For my girlfriend Jen, I am going to help throw her shower and for my girlfriend Keri, I will probably get to help decorate the baby’s room. Not to mention that we have four weddings coming up! I was looking around online for some baby inspiration and to get in the mind set and there is so much stuff that I had no idea about. I can honestly say I think planning for baby is harder than planning a wedding. Watching my friends go through book after book researching brands from strollers to cribs and everything in between to color schemes and name choosing. It is however magical to watch them change over time. I definitely can’t wait to become a mother myself; there is something very empowering about motherhood when you get to assist and work alongside the “creator” himself in creating a little life. On a very superficial side, I absolutely LOVE looking at the clothing! It doesn’t help that the boutique I work out of half the time is right next store to this high-end baby couture store. Here are some things that I just absolutely love!
I work with this photographer and she is so good about capturing the
little expression of kids.
Her company name is Jessica Davis Photography!