Friday, October 16, 2009


Halloween is coming up so quickly. I really am in denial because I feel like I just got use to writing the correct year on my checks, and yes...I still use my checkbook but I'm not the lady in the grocery line using them. I think Ian and I are going to host a Halloween Dinner with some of our closes friends. I did decorate the mantle in our apartment using these big glass vases I have, fake bones and water with red food coloring. I took black tool and cut out black spiders as well. I did look at Martha Stewart’s website because she so great. I glittered these skull heads like below and the posted some other pictures that I got inspiration from. Now we just have to get is always so hard to pick couples costumes and I don’t know why. For now, we are going to be Dog and Beth the Bounty Hunter but we will let you know if things should change!

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