Thursday, September 10, 2009

Watch out Barry Bonds!

Since Ian has started his new job, his co-workers have asked him to play on the company softball team. He told they’re every Wednesday night and for the next couple of months. He always reminds me the morning of so I am sure to go out and watch. We pull up to the first game in a very cute Carmel Valley neighborhood. The streets are lined with cute homes, local park and kids being picked up by their moms from soccer practice, very charming. We walk towards the end of the park where the baseball diamonds were to watch the team playing. Keep in mind; if you know my husband, we had to be there an hour early and yes he was nervous. I just sat there and watched the opposing team roll up because I had nothing better to do and people watched my favorite thing. It was the Pfizer Pharmaceuticals team and conveniently the day there lawsuit was on the front page of yahoo. Let me just say that I know of one thing the company will be cutting back and that is there matching uniforms that are better than the major leagues. I don’t mean to stereotype but the opposing team was very Bill Gates meets Steve Wozniak., nothing to worry about right! WRONG, they killed Ian’s team but my man did have a home run.

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