Thursday, January 7, 2010

Quest to Organize

I always love getting a new organizer at the first of the year. I always like something going on so during my time off at Christmas, and when I was hiking, I decided to go through everything, clean out, and organize. Whenever I decide to do this, Ian always thinks it is a bad idea because they house is always pretty clean but when I go through everything, I level the place. I went through everything from clothes to organizing all of our bills. I even finished our family budget and 2010 goals a week ahead of schedule. For those of you wondering what the heck, it really is fun to go through and see what your personal and mutual goals are and to make sure everything is checked off by the end of the year. Even doing our family budget is always good to look at everything as opportunity and what you have already accomplished. I have a completely new outlook on is already a better year and somehow I feel like it is a year of transition, change and endless possibilities!

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